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Publikacja Naukowa mec Rafała Kolano

Legal support for war refugees from Ukraine as a factor influencing the lawyers brand equity


The article raises the problem of the relationship between the brand equity of a law firm and the provision of free legal support to war refugees from Ukraine. For its purposes, in-depth interviews were conducted on a sample of 15 employees and owners of law firms that, after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, provided free legal assistance to war refugees for at least three months, as well as surveys on a sample of 1,000 clients of the above-mentioned law firms. The employees were asked what their motives were when providing help. Clients were asked what guided them when choosing a specific law firm and whether the fact of supporting refugees had any influence on this decision.

 The results obtained during in-depth interviews show that people employed in law firms are aware that marketing activities constitute significant support in acquiring clients. However, they are carried out without proper identification of the target group and their needs, and, consequently, without preparing an offer that should respond to these needs. In turn, the results of surveys conducted among the law firms clients showed that although respondents consider free legal assistance for refugees to be necessary, it cannot in any way be considered a factor influencing their decision to choose a law firm.

Keywords: brand equity, legal support, law firm, Ukrainian refugees